Happy Valentine's Day or Galentine's Day, whichever you celebrate.
Remember a box of chocolates is sweet but once you eat them the gift is gone. But a local book can be used over & over again. It's a gift that never gets emptied.
You could win my Galentine’s Day Prize Box!
It is a six book prize pack to share with your favourite gals (or guys) and includes the award winning five book Operation Series and bestseller, We Will Meet Again.
Winning is easy. Friend me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hcescott/
and tag your best friend. The draw date is Friday, Feb. 14, 2025. Come on, let's be friends.
Valentine's will be delicious with Raspberry White Chocolate Scones
These are the most delicious scones they’ve ever tasted. You can find the recipe at Rock Recipes, my favourite place to look for cooking and baking ideas. https://www.rockrecipes.com/raspberry-white-chocolate-scones/
3 cups flour
1/2 cup sugar
6 tsp baking powder
½ tsp salt
¾ cup very cold butter, cubed
6 ounces good quality chopped white chocolate
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cups frozen raspberries
I start these in my food processor because it is so fast but they can be made just as easily in a large bowl by cutting the butter in with a pastry blender or even 2 knifes held between the fingers.
In a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
Pulse in the cold butter until this mixture resembles a coarse meal. It is very important that pea sized pieces of butter remain in this mixture.
Transfer to a large bowl and toss in the white chocolate.
Mix together the lemon juice, vanilla extract and milk.
Pour this over the surface of the dry mixture. Toss all together gently with a fork only enough to form a dough ball. (Note: some people have replied that they needed another few tbsp flour at this point to make the dough form without being too soft. This is not a problem, it very often depends on how the flour is measured.. You could also try not adding all of the liquid at once and holding back a little if necessary.)
When the flour is almost incorporated, add the frozen raspberries.
Frozen berries work best because they are less delicate and easier to incorporate into the scone dough.
It is important that you work this dough as little as possible or the finished scones will be too dense and heavy.
Roll to 1 inch thickness and cut out scones with biscuit cutter or in triangles with a sharp knife and place on parchment lined baking sheet.
If desired you can brush the tops of the scones with an egg wash of 1 egg beaten together with 1 tbsp water.
You can sprinkle the tops with turbinado sugar if desired but this is, of course, optional.
Bake at 375 degrees F for 25 minutes or until light golden brown. Baking time will vary depending on the size of your biscuit cutter.
These scones are intended to be quite soft and tender and perhaps just a little rustic looking. If you find the dough a little difficult to handle the first time you make them, add a little more flour to the recipe next time (up to a quarter cup).
I prefer to use frozen raspberries in the recipe because they chill the dough, making it easier to handle and cut out. This can affect the baking time by a few minutes.
Make sure your surface is well floured before you drop the dough onto it, you can sprinkle a little flour on top before you form it into a circle to roll out. The goal is to keep the dough as soft and unworked as possible. So, while you can add more flour while working the dough into shape, don't overdo it or your scones will be less soft and tender.
Another alternative
Another alternative to cutting out these scones is to make them as drop scones. Just use heaping tablespoons of the dough (as much as you can stack on the spoon) on a parchment lined baking sheet. Try to keep the dough as high as you can at the centre, so they don't spread too much. A cookie scoop is also a great way to handle the dough as drop scones.

Writing Your Biography
What if your life was a movie? Who would play you? What would the plot, and setting be? Would there be conflict, challenges, or a true hero’s journey?
Biographies are not just for celebrities. In your own unique way, you have made a meaningful impact on the world around you and touched the lives of those in your life. In fact, writing your biography is a powerful experience with benefits that go beyond preserving memories for the next generation, although that’s a compelling reason to put some ink to paper!
Your story is worth telling.
The most important benefit of biography writing is the ability to put a traditional story structure on the events of your life by giving them a beginning, middle and end.
But wait! You say you are no Agatha Christie. Don’t worry, all you need is a plan.
Join bestselling author, Helen C. Escott as she shares some tips and tricks that will get you started on capturing your life on paper, to be passed down through generations.
This course consists of a 30-minute slideshow and 20 minutes of questions. Prices are available upon request. To book Helen C. Escott for the Writing Your Biography course – email the following information to: info@helencescott.com
Name: Full Mailing Address: Organization Name: Phone Number: Group/ Class size: Date requested: Other Details:
Have a wonderful Happy Valentine's Day
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